Chabad Israel Center of Staten Island invites the community to a 4th of July BBQ. 

Sunday, July 4, 2021 - 24 Tammuz 5781

6:00 pm

Chabad Israel Center

 44 Brunswick Street

We note the opportunity that America has afforded Jewish life in allowing the unprecedented explosion in Torah study and observance in the past few decades.

The Rebbe, on several occasions, likewise referred to the uniqueness of America in providing a place where Judaism could thrive.

“The United States has been host to the headquarters of our movement since 1940,” he wrote to President Gerald Ford in 1975. “Under the conducive conditions of religious freedom in this great country, whose motto is ‘In G‑d We Trust,’ our 200-years-old movement, which I have been privileged to head and lead for the past 25 years, has been able to flourish with renewed dedication and vitality, and to make a lasting contribution, particularly in the area of education and youth activity, so vital in the present day and age.”

Please rsvp to [email protected].

4th of July 2021 BBQ at Chabad Israel Center